This page contains the full semester schedule for lectures, labs, assignments, and project deliverables. Slides for lectures and labs will be publish one day before the class session. Students are encourage to download the slides ahead of time and follow along during lectures or labs. Assignments are highlighted in yellow and due dates are highlighted in red.

Module 1

Overview of Deep Learning and Python

This module introduces the course materials to students and gives an overview of Deep Learning, the current state of the art, and an refresher of the Python programming language.

Introduction and Logistics

Lecture - September 21, 2023 - Slides
Course logistics
Programming assignments
Final project overview
Motivation for deep learning with examples.
Tell us about your technical background?

Create a free personal Google account if you don't have one already using the following link:

Create a free GitHub account if you don't have one already using the following link:


Python Programming Refresher

Laboratory - September 21, 2023 - Colab Notebook
Control Structures (if, for, and while statements)
Data Structures (list, tuple, set, dictionary)

Module 2

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

This module provides an overview and introduction to the basic building blocks of neural networks.

Neural Networks

Lecture - September 26, 2023 - Slides
Biological Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Deep Neural Networks
Quiz 1 - The main building blocks of neural networks
Project team name and members (Click here to submit)

Building a Neural Network in TensorFlow

Laboratory - September 28, 2023 - Colab Notebook - Attendance
Overview of TensorFlow
Overview of Keras
Creating a Neural Network using Keras
Introduction to Sign Language Dataset
Assignment 1: Collect data for Sign Language Numbers transcription (Due in 1 week)

Training a Neural Network

Lecture - October 3, 2023 - Slides
Loss and Gradient Descent
Optimization: Learning rate
Optimization: mini-batches
Quiz 2: Training Neural Networks
Project proposal meetings have concluded.

Optimizing a Neural Network

Laboratory - October 5, 2023 - Colab Notebook
Overfitting and Underfitting
Early Stopping
Data for sign language transcription due today.

Module 3

Building Deep Neural Works for Computer Vision

This module focuses on the building blocks of deep neural networks for computer vision. Specifically, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) will be covered in depth, applications of CNNs to vision problems such as object detection, segmentation, etc. In the lab session, students will build a CNN for sign language recognition based on the dataset collected in the previous assignments.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Lecture - October 10, 2023 - Slides
The convolution operation
Projects overview
Quiz 3: Convolutional Neural Network
Play with the CNN Explainer

Convolution Filters and Convolutional Neural Networks

Laboratory - October 12, 2023 - Colab Notebook
CNN structure.
CNN for sign language
Assignment 2: Visualilze the sign language dataset

CNN Applications

Lecture - October 17, 2023 - Slides
CNN continued...
Object Detection
Quiz 4: Convolutional Neural Networks
Assignment 3: Create a CNN for sign language numbers (Due in 1 week)
Assignment (optional)

Data Augmentation for Sign Language Numbers

Laboratory - October 19, 2023 - Original: Colab Notebook
Data Augmentation for Computer Vision
Assignment 3: Data Augmentation for Sign Language Numbers
Project Proposal



October 24, 2023

The in-class exams will assess your understanding of the topics covered in lectures and labs thus far. Your ability to apply the deep learning knowledge to practical/real world problems will be tested.

Module 4

Advance Topics

This module covers advance topics such as generative adversarial networks, natural language processing, and transformers. Students will also receive a guest lecture from a faculty to inspire the final projects.

CNN for Sign Language Numbers

Laboratory - October 26, 2023 - Original: Colab Notebook Solution: Colab Notebook
Create and train a CNN for sign language number recognition
Assignment 4: CNN for Sign Language Number Rec.

CNN and Mid-Term Performance

Lecture - October 31, 2023 - Slides
CNN memory and parameters
Course Grading Criteria
Mid-Term performance
Play with the GANs Lab

Project Work

Laboratory - November 2, 2023 - Colab Notebook
Make progress on your final project and get help from teaching staff.

Guest Lecture

Lecture - November 7, 2023 - ( Slides TBD )

Project Work

Laboratory - November 9, 2023 - Slides
Make progress on your final project and get help from teaching staff.

Generative Adversarial Neural Networks

Lecture - November 14, 2023 - ( Slides TBD )
GANS Examples

Project Work

Laboratory - November 16, 2023 - Slides
Make progress on your final project and get help from teaching staff.

Natural Language Processing

Lecture - November 21, 2023 - ( Slides TBD )
NLP Examples
Text Representation
Semantic word embeddings
Language modeling
Recurrent neural networks

Project Work

Laboratory - November 23, 2023 - Slides
Make progress on your final project and get help from teaching staff.

Final Examination

Lecture - November 28, 2023
Final examination on deep learning

Project Work

Laboratory - November 30, 2023 - Colab Notebook TBD
Make progress on your final project and get help from teaching staff.


Final Project Submission and Presentation

The take-home will assess your understanding of the topics covered in lectures and labs thus far. Your ability to apply the deep learning knowledge to practical/real world problems will be tested.

Project Presentations and Awards

Lecture - December 5, 2023 - ( Slides TBD )
Project presenations
Best Projects Awards

Project Submissions

Project Video - Due on December 3, 2023 - (Click here to submit video)
Project Report - Due on December 10, 2023 - (Click here to submit report)